Asociación Hispano Nordica
The Spanish Nordic Association
for people from the Nordic countries in Spain
We open again on September 17th.
We check the email all summer
AHN Golf
Green fee
When you are not playing AHN Golf's Golf Event & Weekly Golf, you can still get green fees at a very favorable price.
AHN Golf agrees with golf clubs on terms that give AHN golfers discounts on private play. It is impossible / hopeless to guarantee the information about which green fee applies at a certain club and time. This is due to constantly changing green fee prices and times for High, Mid and Low season periods and around the clock. AHN Golf does not automatically receive an update of the clubs' terms and conditions. Unfortunately, not all staff at a club are informed of the terms and conditions of AHN Golf.
AHN Golf recommends pre-booking by phone. The times for high, middle & low season can be found on the clubs' websites. Also ask for discounts at Early Bird, Twilight Time or any other day of the week. You must always be able to present an AHN membership card at the golf club.
Courses that allow dogs usually require a leash, no barking ..... Talk to the club on site about rest and rest areas.
Note clubs' demands for payment, maximum hcp, upholstery, etc.