Asociación Hispano Nordica
The Spanish Nordic Association
for people from the Nordic countries in Spain
We open again on September 17th.
We check the email all summer
AHN - Privacy Policy
Responsible for personal data: Current chairman of AHN, alternatively secretary of AHN. Contact information can be found on the website.
Data Protection Ombudsman: At the time, staff were appointed to manage member registers, website, newsletters, events and the like. This staff can be a member of AHN or hired consultant.
AHN Fuengirola-Mijas (AHN) is required by law to have control over who its members are and for what period. AHN also needs to keep track of who is involved in various activities and who is responsible for different parts of the association.
A person who signs up as a member or participates in activities gives his consent to this data protection policy.
We process the personal data collected in order to effectively manage a member's involvement and the activities that are done under the auspices of AHN or with its partners. We collect names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and other personal information where needed. We do not save credit / debit card details, but so do our partners PayPal and our bank if you choose to pay that way. However, we save information about your purchase where we can see when it was made and other information about the purchase itself. Collection of personal data can be done both when a member himself signs up via the website to something, or when he / she signs up "in-person" eg on site at AHN's premises or by telephone. The data is stored at least as long as they are needed in our records to be used for information to the member, for activity participation and statistics. Anyone who is no longer a member can be deleted from AHN's register when appropriate. A person who signs up for an event or registers as a member gives his consent to AHN's data protection policy and use of the person's personal data. Data processing of personal data is done by designated persons at AHN, among others. receptionist and newsletter manager. AHN has the right to change which persons have the right to use the personal data at any time. Personal information that a member has provided to AHN, AHN has the right to pass on to a third party, e.g. guest list for events handled by parties other than AHN. Both AHN and its partners have the right to send mail and e-mail to persons in their register.
AHN for a member register with a list of all members and for which year they are / were members. Statistics on eg. the number of members per year is deducted from this register. The personal data is stored both on local (a) computers and on servers on the Internet that can be found in the EU and in the USA. Changes and deletions that AHN makes of personal data stored on servers on the Internet may still remain with the third party provider, which is beyond AHN's control and responsibility. AHN is responsible for ensuring that access to personal data is password protected. Furthermore, technical data such as IP address, geographical location, browser, purchase history etc. are saved. for statistical purposes.
AHN members have the right to request deletion of their personal data, and if so, membership in AHN is also terminated. Upon deletion, personal data is deleted from data files, but not on any existing printouts on paper. Members are entitled to request once a year to find out what personal data is stored for them in AHN's computer system.
Members have the right to have their personal data corrected if they are wrong. When purchasing a membership in AHN, the member re-submits their personal data, and if the information then differs from previously saved personal data, AHN updates its membership register with the new information.
Complaints about our data protection policy we want you to submit to AHN's Board of Directors in the first place. If you are not satisfied with this, you can contact the Spanish GDPR Regulatory Authority.
AHN Data Protection Policy applies from 1 January 2018