Asociación Hispano Nordica
The Spanish Nordic Association
for people from the Nordic countries in Spain
We open again on September 17th.
We check the email all summer
AHN Golf
Competition rules
The Swedish Golf Association's, the local golf club's and AHN Golf's rules apply in the mentioned order when playing.
Players have a duty to inform themselves about AHN Golf's rules below and the local rules at the golf club.
Players with AHN membership, who play at a privately booked time at a golf club and where AHN Golf's agreement on reduced green fees is used, agree with the club on the terms of play.
Read more in the Swedish Golf Association's Rules Book. Download the Golf Association's digital rule book as an APP for your phone: Rules of Golf 2019. Take a look at the rules for golf games adopted by R&A Rules Limited, The United States Golf Association and the Swedish Golf Association 2019 - rules-for-golf-games-2019
Registration for golf games
Membership in AHN is required for games in competitions / events organized by AHN Golf with the exception of open competitions such as the AHN Golfhäftet Trophy and Club Match. When booking for the latter, an AHN member has priority in case of overbooking. Registration for games is made via AHN Golf's website or in the golf app.
Players must be a member of the national golf club. Memnbership in AHN can be setup at the AHN website
AHN Golf's policy is to only in exceptional cases allow requests to, for example, play with a named person have a late start time. Of course, there are exceptions for "valid / reasonable reasons" that the competition leader for each competition decides.
Arranged game
Competition leader (TL) arranges in Weekly Golf and Golf Event for a minimum of 16 registered players.
During the "low season" in September / October, Christmas time and the beginning of the year, TL can decide if 12 entries are enough. TL adapts classes and price categories to starting fields with few participants.
Booking & payment
If payment for a registration for an event organized by AHN Golf has not been received in the designated AHN account no later than the payment date, this is interpreted as a cancellation.
Players who are memeber of the golf club where a AHN comptetiton is played has to pay starting fee of €5.
Booking, cancellation, reserves and compensation claims
As a member of AHN and a player with AHN Golf, you are responsible for monitoring your booking and start time. Players who stand as a reserve (below the red line), are responsible for monitoring whether they have been promoted.
If a party in a pair on the Registration List ends up in a reserve position (below the red line), the competition leader must select the first single player when drawing up the Start List.
Anyone who is listed as a reserve, if a starting place is later offered, must immediately make a cancellation.
Cancellation is accepted until 12.00 the day before the game. Cancellation thereafter must be made as soon as possible via the above-mentioned telephone, SMS or email to the competition leader. Keep in mind that there may be AHN players on the reserve list and that the competition leaders should be given the opportunity to arrange start lists well in advance of the start.
A late cancellation is only accepted upon valid expiration. It is not acceptable to be absent from games without unsubscribing so-called NS - No Show. Both AHN Golf and the golf course we visit suffer financial loss. In addition, AHN Golf loses momentum in negotiations on start times and green fees, and non-profit competition leaders are caused a lot of extra work. AHN Golf will therefore require green fees and possibly. start fee of the person who violates this.
Captain in the ball
The one of the players in the ball who has the lowest handicap is the "captain" in the ball and is responsible for rules, safety and golf etiquette and that the game flows. He is responsible for keeping in touch with the ball in front and letting through balls that play faster. The ambition is for the tour time to be kept close to four hours or less.
Lost ball
You have the right to search for 3 minutes. Then a new ball is immediately put into play.
Handicap (hcp)
Players with HCP up to 54 can participate in an AHN golf competition unless otherwise stated - see Golf event for example.
Handicap for the competition, actueal handicap (SPHC) is based on a maximum of HCP 36.0.
Results from all AHN Golf's events and weekly competitions must be registered with the respective golf association. Your new HCP must be registered immediately on AHN Golf's booking site.
Change of HCP after kl.18:00 is not registered by the booking system for the competition the next day. A change is notified directly to the competition leader no later than the next day.
Actual Handicap (SPHC)
AHN Golf uses the Spanish Golf Federation's slope data when calculatingactual handicap. These are reported for a number of golf courses on AHN Golf's website and in the Golf app.
A few golf courses lack slope data for men who play from the red tee. In these cases, a deduction calculated for each course from the playing handicap for men from the yellow tee is applied.
Actual handicap is calculated as SRxEHCP / 113 + CR-Par where:
SR = Slope Rating for current tee
EHCP = player's exact handicap
113 is a US value and was once an average value for track valuations - this has changed, but is still maintained.
CR = Course Rating - a measure of the level of difficulty of the course, from a specific tee, for scratch players under normal course and weather conditions
Par = banana par
In some games SPHC is reduced - see Game forms.
Equal results - distinction
For system technical reasons and with regard to the competition leaders' workload, AHN Golf has chosen the following rules, which are a dispositive deviation from SGF's recommendation:
In match play, special play applies until a player alone has the best result.
In stroke play, placements are based on results based on handicap play. In distinction, the exact handicap method is used first and then the mathematical one.
The exact handicap method
If two or more players have equal results, players with the least exact handicap are ranked first. The method also applies if the competitors played from different tees.
The mathematical method
Best results on the last 9, 6, 3 and 1 holes or finally a draw.
Local AHN regulations
The golf course's 18th hole has been rebuilt from a par 4 hole to a par 5. The course's par is now 73. Scorecards and slope data have not been updated.
In AHN games, hole 18 must be played as a pair of 5 holes and results are calculated for it. Slope data for calculating gambling handicaps has been standardized by AHN Golf.
Mijas - Los Lagos & Los Olivos
Los Olivos hole no. 7:
Players who have hit the ball in the duty area, after 1 duty, may drop the ball based on the assessed ball point (where the ball field intersects the duty area boundary) and then, according to the usual dropping rule, improve the position.
For ladies, applies to all weekly competitions and events and to games from the red tee, either:
free ball placement on the court's regular red tee area or
rash from tee area directed by AHN's competition leader with designated tee markings.
Men playing from the red tee knocks out of the course's designated red tee.
Take advantage of local regulations issued by Mijas Golf.
Santana Golf's scorecard has a column on the right that indicates the course's index for women - not the same for men. AHN Golf uses the column on the left for both men and women.
Local rules
AHN golfers are required to abide by the golf club's local rules.
Location improvement
Improvement in position applies to all games with AHN on the finely cut parts of the playing field - fairway and foregreen.
To improve position, select the ball and place it within a scorecard length of the mark - but not closer to the hole.
Closest to the hole
When competing with the element "Closest to hole" (the expression "Closest to flag" may occur incorrectly), the distance between the edge of the hole and the center of the player's ball must be measured.
Award ceremony
Players who are not present at a competition award ceremony do not receive a prize, however, with the exception of any trophy or equivalent and if there is an acceptable reason (play AHN-bridge, dental visits, for example). The competition leader decides whether such prizes should go to an arranged lottery or be used in another competition.
In competitions such as the AHN Cup and Eclectic, which are played over several playing days, the prize winner must later be able to collect his prize from the competition leader or from AHN.
Protests must be received by the competition management before the game day's award ceremony.
Red Tea - Men
Men over the age of 70 can choose to play from the red tee.
In a competition with more playing opportunities, the selected tee at the first playing opportunity shall apply throughout the competition.
To participate in the award ceremony, you as a player and your marker must have calculated and filled in your result and signed the scorecard and submitted this to the competition management.
The Spanish Golf Federation lists slope data for Spanish golf courses. AHN Golf follows these to calculate handicap in all competitions based on the AHN golfer's registered hcp in the Booking System.
For men from the red tee, there are a few standard deductions in cases where the golf course lacks slope data for these.
Start times
Remember to get to the track in good time and to be at the tee no later than 10 minutes before your start time. Other times may occur, so you should check the information before the competition.
Players, who have not canceled, and do not come to the start tee in time in an AHN competition, thus do not participate in the competition and receive in the result the rating "NS" (No show).
At certain events and competitions, times other than normal may apply. At eg shotgun start, it may be required that all check-in is completed 30 minutes before start.
AHN Golf:s Event
Played as a points bogey over six sub-competitions in three classes with exact handicaps:
Men's Class A: up to 17.9
Men's Class B: 18.0-36.0
Ladies: up to 36.0.
Ladies' Class A: If the AHN Golf Committee finds that there is a sufficient number of players with lower hcp, this class can be formed with a maximum announced hcp limit.
Each sub-competition is played with a playing handicap based on the currently registered handicap and the current golf course's sloping table. If the course is not cleared, the exact handicap is used, which is raised or lowered to the nearest whole number.
Disability cards or proof of their disability must be presented at the start.
Players who start in one class do not change class during the season and credit themselves with Cup points in this - even if you change your hcp to another class.
If the player has more than one handicap, the player must play at the lowest.
In each sub-competition, points are awarded in the classes: 10 to the winner, 9 to the runner-up, etc. The sum of the player's four highest partial results obtained is the player's final result. In 4 and 5 completed competitions, the 3 best partial results are counted.
When compiling the AHN Cup's final results in the classes, the player's exact handicap from the most recent competition he has participated in is used.
Prizes will be awarded in connection with the sub-competitions unless otherwise stated.
Each sub-competition is also an individual competition with its own prizes.
Registration must be made no later than 1 week before the game day or the time specified in the season's game program in the Calendar on the website.
AHN Eclectic
The competition is played over three occasions on the same course with stroke play. The gaming handicap that is registered at the first start applies to the subsequent sub-competitions. Gambling handicap must be reduced by 25%.
Each sub-competition is disability-based. However, this does not affect gaming disabilities in Eclectic - see above.
AHN KM is played in classes and game form:
Men's Class A: Up to 17.9 - Scratch game for KM title
Men's class B: 18.0-36.0 - Percussion golf with handicap for KM title
Women: up to 36.0 - Percussion golf with handicap for KM title
Ladies Class A: Scratch game for KM title. If the AHN Golf Committee finds that there is a sufficient number of players with lower hcp, this class can be formed with a maximum announced hcp limit.
Players who participate in KM must, in order to compete for the KM title and KM prize, have played at least 3 times in AHN Golf's Weekly Golf and / or Event during the KM year.
A minimum number of players, chosen by the AHN Golf Committee, is required to form a class.
AHN Golfhäftet Trophy
The competition is open to non-members of AHN and is played as a Greensome: Greensome
In greensome, which is a modified form of foursome, both players hit each tee and then choose which of the two knocked-out balls they want to continue playing with. The one who did not hit the selected ball plays the second stroke and then they hit every other stroke in the same way as in the foursome.
Duties, which players incur, do not affect the game order in foursome or greensome. If the side incurs a duty strike on a ball before you have chosen which ball to continue with, the duty is linked only to that ball.
Temporary ball from tee
In greensome, from the tee, you can only play provisional ball for one of the original balls.
Lost ball
If one ball or both balls can be lost / lost outside a water obstacle or Out of Bounds, the side may choose to play a provisional ball. The partner then plays the makeshift ball from the tee where the original ball was played.
The provisional ball will only be in play if both balls have gone Out of Bounds or neither of them is found. The player who did not hit the provisional ball will now hit the next shot. If one of the original balls is found, that couple's ball will be in play and the provisional ball is out of play and will be taken up. The player whose ball was not found will now hit the next stroke on the partner's found ball.
The reduced game handicap of the site is calculated as follows: Reduced game handicap is the sum of 60% of game handicap from the player with the lower game handicap and 40% of game handicap from the player with the higher game handicap. Thereafter, rounding takes place as below.
Rounding of reduced game handicap in greensome is done as follows:
Match: Each side's reduced playing handicap including decimal forms the basis of comparison as the number of strokes must be given or taken in relation to the other side. After comparison, the nearest integer is rounded.
Stroke competition: The site's reduced playing handicap is calculated with decimal.
Points bogey: Rounding off the side's reduced game handicap takes place to the nearest whole number.
Percussion golf: The side's reduced playing handicap is calculated with decimal.
Giftbägaren & Lösa förbindelser
The married cup
Played with rules established by AHN Golf - Fuengirola / Mijas. The competition is played over 18 holes with points bogey in a class. A couple form a team. The couple's total points form their results. Wins, and gets a mortgage on the hiking prize, makes the pair that has the highest result and that meets the following requirements:
are members of AHN Fuengirola / Mijas
are married or a couple
has an official handicap
Loose connections
Those who do not have a partner or partner can form a playing couple for the day. The competition is played simultaneously with Giftbägaren and with the same rules. The number of couples in Giftbägaren may not be more than 1/4 of the couples in Giftbägaren, if there are no free start times left. Prizes are awarded in the competition for at least 4 starting pairs.
PLEASE NOTE that at least one player in the pair must be a member of the AHN. Take the opportunity to invite a non-AHN member.
Travelers Cup
A guest of AHN member may participate in the trip and the Cup game if the trip and the starting field are not fully booked.
Hangover Cup
We play 4-man scramble on New Year's Day. First start around 11.00.
After the golf we go down to the beach to Los Sardinales restaurant and eat a delicious paella together.